5 Simple Ways To Embrace Kanso In Home Designs!

by Adeline

Have you ever given thought to why you’re attracted to minimalism; or wish for a home that’s filled with items from Muji? If you can’t put your finger on it, it may be because Muji simply practices Kanso.

Kanso means simplicity and can be described as a décor style that blends the concept of minimalism; and Wabi-sabi (transient and stark beauty, and the beauty of nature and ageing). In its essence, Kanso is getting rid of anything that is absolutely unnecessary; and teaches that all material things are impermanent.

To get an idea of how it works, check out the ideas below!

1. Embrace imperfections

This may boggle perfectionists but to be truly content and happy, one must be able to live with imperfections around them. Imperfections around the home can be the irregular corners and an item that don’t quite fit in with the rest of the décor. A way around this is to place an indoor plant to fill up the odd area or build a quirky storage that sits nicely in the odd angle but also blends in.

2. Eliminate clutter

Kanso focuses on the flow and movement of energy within a space. To get better ‘flow and movement,’ the house needs to be decluttered and what remains should only be items that serve its purpose. This also means getting rid of gaudy decorations or too much of it.

3. Get modest furniture and furnishings

Simple decorations give a clean and calm look in the home so to maintain that ambience, the furniture must fit too. To help get started, think of the purpose of the room before going straight into designing its look. For example, is the kitchen going to be just for light food preps or it’s going to be serving a large number of people? Sussing out your needs will prevent yourself from filling up your kitchen with unnecessary items and tools.

4. Enjoy art

Kanso also embraces the natural beauty in things. This means you can put up paintings and posters that you love as long as it fits with the theme of simplicity. For example, a floor to ceiling painting like those in art galleries may not be suitable if you want a simple home décor.

5. Invite soothing colours

Colours do affect the energy in the room. Soothing colours such as pale greys, lavenders, cool blue, certain orange shades and green can work well. Soft materials will help complete the look and feel of Kanso too. If you’re out of ideas, observe the colour schemes used in minimalist rooms, some Japanese homes and in Muji.

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