Just bought a new home and planning out your appliances? Don’t overlook your water heater, as a good one is simply essential to ensure that you enjoy an awesome shower every day. Or perhaps you’re looking to upgrade your water heater as your old one is giving you warning signs, then it’s time for a change.

No matter the reason, there’s no doubt that having a reliable and safe water heater makes a big impact on our general well-being, health and daily lives. A great water heater allows you to maintain good personal hygiene which improves your health. Relaxing in the shower after a long day will also decrease your stress levels and ensure that you are ready for a good night sleep. Plus, if you choose the right one, it’s very convenient as you can enjoy a hot shower anytime you want while enhancing your quality of life.
So, don’t take your water heater for granted as it’s a really essential part of your bathroom and your home. Read on below as we explain some tips on how you can choose the right water heater for your home.

1. User-Friendliness and Convenience
There are lots of types of water heaters out there and you should consider whether the one you pick is easy to use. Some of them have various levers that you need to adjust to get the pressure and temperature that you want. This can be inconvenient, as it’s hard to gauge whether your water is too hot or too cold. Look for ones that display the temperature so that you can adjust to your preference while a simple button to turn the water off and on, can make your shower more enjoyable as you don’t have to fuss around with different knobs.
2. Consider the Casing Materials
In Malaysia, water heaters are powered by electricity so it is very important that the water heater in your bathroom uses an industry standard material to keep you and your family safe. You should definitely ensure that your water heater uses splash proof materials, especially for its outer casing which helps preventing water from coming into contact with the electrical circuits. This also decreases the risk of electric shock and fire.
3. Inspect the Quality of the Heating Element
The heating element inside the water heater case is a major part of the appliance hence you should ensure that it is made of good quality materials. Ensure that the heating element is made of rust-free material which will avoid rust or sediment from building up and catch fire. The heating element should also have high heat resistance, so it can withstand higher levels of heat when you’re using the shower for a longer period of time.
4. Check the Circuit Protection
To ensure a worry-free shower, check that the electrical circuits in your water heater are equipped with circuit breakers. This feature works by immediately cutting off the power once it detects any electrical leakage, minimising the risk of electric shock.
5. See Whether There is a Water Pressure Sensor
Your water heater should have a sensor that can detect when the water flow or pressure is too low. This sensor keeps the heater working even when the water pressure is low but if it detects that the water flow is not strong enough, it can automatically shut off the power supply, so that the water doesn’t overheat and causes any burns.
6. Look for Temperature Cut-Off Feature
Another feature that your water heater must have is a thermostat sensor which is able to cut off the power in the event that it detects any abnormal conditions. For example, if the temperature of the water is too high, it will automatically shut off the power supply to prevent any scalding injuries or burns.
7. Check for Surge Protection
Since we’re living in Malaysia, lightning storms are a common occurrence and sometimes, it may cause a power surge in your home. Your water heater should include surge protection, where it automatically cuts off the power supply if there is any current leakage from lightning strikes or any unusual surge of power to avoid causing electric shock or fire.
8. Ensure that Non-Conductive Covers are Used
A water heater will typically have hazardous parts that will usually be housed inside the casing. However, some of these parts may be easily accessible using your finger or tools which can be very dangerous. It’s important to ensure that these parts are covered with non-conductive materials in order to prevent electric shock if you accidentally touch them.
These are just some of the important features that you should look for when shopping for a water heater. There are other features that you may need to consider as well, such as the overall design, shower texture and more that will definitely make your life easier and help you looking forward to your daily showers.
Introducing the Panasonic U Series Jet Pump Water Heater DH-3UDP1MZ

That is why the Panasonic U Series Jet Pump Water Heater is the best choice for your home. This modern and sleek water heater will fit well in any bathroom design and will guarantee that you have a worry-free, comfortable shower at all times.
It is also one of Panasonic’s most innovative models so far which helps enhance your well-being after every shower. In addition, it is equipped with U-Memory, which allows you and your family to set your own personalised profiles for your shower.
Simply save your preferred shower settings such as temperature, shower mode (warm up, cool down, hot and cool) and pump. You can switch profiles with ease with just one touch of a button.

The Panasonic U Series Jet Pump Water Heater DH-3UDP1MZ also has a spa-like shower texture where you can switch between three different water textures. Choose the normal texture if you like a soothing spray that is soft yet revitalising. The wide texture relaxes your body with its intense jets of fine micro-droplets. Lastly, if you have any sore muscles, you can try out the spot texture which is a targeted spray that emulates a massage.
Where to Buy
Click here to purchase Panasonic U Series Jet Pump Water Heater DH-3UDP1MZ through Panasonic Official Website
Click here to locate Panashop Authorised Dealers