It’s not often that you see a residence that can house a three-generation family as it comes with many challenges, especially if there are space constraints. However, this husband and…
House Design
Tokyo’s dense population has heavily influenced the fabric of urban design making close-knit, narrow houses the new normal. In an area where street frontage is a rarity, the Garden House…
This Small House In Jeju Island Is the Perfect Retirement Home For A Simple and Fulfilling Lifestyle
Jeju Island, Korea has always been known for its beautiful scenery and slow pace lifestyle. It is a perfect residence for those who prefer comfortable environment while living a hassle-free…
The Lab House by Aaksen Responsible Aarchitecture is a house crafted with new design experiments to curate better experiences. Built on a 120 square meter plot, the ample natural lighting,…
This architecture is a whimsical yet daring approach at minimalist dwelling, with everything contemplated to meet the requirements of the inhabitants. It is a perfect ode to the latest trending…
In many cities around the world, green areas are being sacrificed to cater to the rapidly increasing housing demand, resulting in adverse environmental effects. In Bangkok, the air pollution levels…