How to Get Rid of Mold in Bathroom – 8 Effective Ways

by Nicholas Chew

Bathrooms are the most susceptible to mold. The heat and moisture combination provides a perfect humid environment for them to produce spores. If untreated, it can even rot wooden surfaces. Moreover, mold spores are indoor pollutants which can cause multiple health issues, including allergies. Hence, it’s important to get rid of mold in the bathroom as quickly as possible. At the same time, you must take a few preventive measures to ensure they don’t grow back. Don’t stress if you spot typical black mold in your bathroom. Instead, follow these tested-and-tried mold-eliminating solutions. Let’s get started with our guide on how to get rid of mold in bathroom.

How to Get Rid of Mold in Bathroom – 8 Effective Ways

1. Use Baking Soda

Baking soda is one of the primary household cleaning ingredients. It can quickly fix all the problems, whether stubborn stains or clogged drains. However, many people didn’t know about its effectiveness in removing mold from bathrooms. This step requires only two ingredients you can easily find at home. It’s one of the cost-effective solutions to increased fungal growth. Let’s overview a step-by-step guide on how to get rid of mold from the bathroom using baking soda.

How to Get Rid of Mold in a Bathroom Using Baking Soda?

  • Mix baking soda with a small amount of water to create a thick paste.
  • Apply the paste to mold-effected areas wearing a glove. Let it sit for a few minutes till it gets hardened.
  • Scrub off the paste using your hands. You can also use a brush for quick results.
  • Repeat the same process until the mold disappears.

You can also use dish soap instead of baking soda. However, it wouldn’t remove the mold as quickly as this natural ingredient.

2. Spray Bleach Solution

If black mold has badly affected the hard surfaces of your bathroom, it’s time to make a bleach solution and get rid of them. Using diluted household bleach is perfect for this step. You don’t have to worry about health hazards since it’s not chemically concentrated. The following steps can help you understand the mold-removing process through bleach.

How to Get Rid of Mold in Bathroom Using Bleach?

  • Mix one part of household liquid bleach with two parts of water.
  • Transfer it into a spray bottle.
  • Spray the solution on bathroom walls or tiles affected by mold. Leave it for at least 15 minutes.
  • You will see the mold disappearing soon.
  • Finally, wash the surface with water.

Sometimes, the mold is extremely stubborn. It wouldn’t go away automatically. You must use a brush to scrub it off. An old toothbrush can work well. However, if the mold has spread on larger areas, you must use a bigger-sized brush for this purpose.

You can only use this technique on hard surfaces. Avoid using bleach if mold has affected wood cabinets. It wouldn’t be able to penetrate the porous surface, and you’d end up with no results. Moreover, it can provide some additional moisture for mold to reproduce and quickly inhabit other areas of your bathroom.

Frequent use of bleach can discolor the mold, and you may think it removed them completely. With this false perception, you can have increased fungal growth in your bathroom. Hence, use bleach only when other natural ingredients like baking soda or vinegar aren’t producing effective results.

3. Use Hydrogen Peroxide

You can find hydrogen peroxide in multiple household products, including bathroom cleaners, laundry stain removers, and hair dyes. It is anti-septic and used on minor cuts and scrapes to prevent infections. Hydrogen peroxide is also one of the most common bleaching agents. Hence, you can conveniently use it to remove mold from your bathroom. Thanks to its exceptional anti-bacterial property, the mold will quickly break down to never return. Moreover, it’s 100% safe to use it on solid surfaces like walls, tiles, and ceiling of your washroom. Let’s have a look at the method of using hydrogen peroxide for the effective removal of mold.

How to Get Rid of Mold in Bathroom Walls Using Hydrogen Peroxide?

  • Buy a standard hydrogen peroxide container from any nearby pharmacy. It’s usually 3% concentrated.
  • Pour it into a spray bottle for easy application on moldy areas.
  • Spray it continuously until the liquid covers up the entire area.
  • Give 10 minutes to hydrogen peroxide to show its effect. You must wait till bubbles disappear from the solution.
  • Now scrub the mold off with any household brush.
  • Don’t forget to rinse the area with water.

Environmental Protection Agency has approved the use of peroxides for eliminating mold. This chemical compound can quickly oxidize the mold’s surface, resulting in its decomposition. However, hydrogen peroxide can’t kill the mold; it only removes it from the surface.

4. Clean With Borax Mineral Powder

Borax, a white-colored mineral powder, can kill mold effectively. It inhibits the pH of the fungus, taking off its favorable growing environment. You can also leave a layer of borax on the suspected surface to prevent future fungal growth. It’s a better solution than bleach as it’s equally effective on porous surfaces like wood or drywall. Moreover, there is no risk of toxic fumes posing a health hazard.

We have listed a step-wise guide for using borax to inhibit fungal growth in the bathroom.

How to Get Rid of Mold in the Bathroom Using Borax?

  • Mix one cup of borax in three liters of water.
  • Transfer the solution to a spray bottle.
  • Sprinkle the prepared solution on the area that needs to get rid of mold.
  • Use a brush or a pad to scrub the mold thoroughly.
  • Now leave it for at least an hour or two. Don’t forget to wash the area with water in the final step.

5. Brush The Affected Area With White Vinegar

Distilled white vinegar can effectively remove mold from the bathroom if you apply the proper method. Its acetic acid composition can reduce mold’s pH to stop fungal growth. However, like bleach, you can use it only on solid surfaces. You should choose any other effective method from this list if mold has inhabited soft surfaces around your bathroom. It’s also important not to use this acidic ingredient on laminated, aluminum, or iron surfaces. The high amount of acidity can quickly damage the exterior.

Let’s discuss how to use distilled or simple household vinegar to eliminate moldy growth from concrete walls and tiles in your washroom.

How to Get Rid of Mold in Bathroom Ceiling Using White Vinegar?

  • Undilute the vinegar with water, as its strong scent can make you uncomfortable.
  • Transfer the solution to a spray bottle.
  • Target the mold directly and keep spraying until vinegar saturates the entire surface.
  • You must wait for at least 60 minutes to get effective results. Scrubbing or rinsing with water quickly can lead to ineffective outcomes. Vinegar takes some time to penetrate the mold and show its fungi-inhibiting property.

How to Prevent Mold from Regrowing in Bathroom?

You can kill or inhibit fungal growth through any of the above methods. However, they can regrow for multiple reasons, including excessive moisture. The below techniques can help you prevent mold regrowth in your bathroom after successfully removing them.

6. Keep The Area Ventilated

Mold loves moisture as they get nourishment from it. Since the bathroom gets wet frequently, mold can quickly inhabit the area and form colonies. Hence, you must keep it moisture-free by ensuring proper ventilation in the space. It’s time to install an exhaust fan in your bathroom if it lacks one. It can quickly dehumidify the room and allow fresh air inside the space. A modern ventilation system is necessary to prevent mold from regrowing.

7. Repair Cracked Tiles

A cracked tile in your bathroom can also promote favorable conditions for mold to regrow. Water can quickly get inside these minor holes and accumulate on the subfloor. It can also occur in drywall or wooden surfaces; hence, it’s crucial to look for surface cracks thoroughly and repair them. Mold can’t reproduce and form colonies if you deprive them of their basic moisture requirement.

8. Don’t Compromise The Paint Quality

You may think about saving a few bucks while renovating your house by selecting low-quality paints. However, this decision wouldn’t be helpful in the long term. Always consider using high-quality paints. Those with fungi-inhibiting agents can work perfectly well. You must also expand a bit of your budget and use a semi-gloss finish on your bathroom walls. They are moisture-proof,  keeping mold at a distance from your bathroom.

Wrapping Up

Mold in your bathroom doesn’t only spoil its exterior, but this fungal organism also produces health-harming spores. Constant inhalation of these can make you sick from headaches and respiratory issues. Hence, you can’t leave it alone to get more problematic over time. It is crucial to apply some tried and tested techniques to quickly remove them from the bathroom and stop their frequent regrowth. This article discusses 7 effective ways to counter both problems. After applying our suggested methods, we hope you can finally eliminate the problem of mold from your bathroom forever. 

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